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Connections through acts of kindness.

“In a world that’s highly digital and fast, to have something that’s that unique really stands out,”

The secret for  Mazel and good luck is to create good karma by incorporating donating to charity. 

Good Vibes – Good Deeds – Good Mazel
About Us

The Story

Wish Them Luck 

Once upon a time, in early 2020, we wanted to send a little something to a friend to brighten their day, they needed it. After hours of looking we found there was little available in the way of sending good vibes and personalized luck to someone else. was Born.

The mission of Mazel: Making people feel good, create human interactions, encourage and empower others.

Our goal is to inspire and unleash the greater good of people.

The underlying human need to connect is a as strong as its ever been.



מזל Mazel   from  Biblical mazalot originally had the literal meaning of “good star/constellation”. Mazel progressed from there to a wish,  Mazel is good luck.

Mazel means good luck. is all about gifts of luck, because everyone needs a little mazel seeks  to  create real physical interactions and encourage people to think of others with gifts of luck and good deeds instead of just sending a text or online message, to create real human interactions.

Create a more emotionally connected world and make a difference with products that enrich people’s lives: gifts of luck, good luck charms and amulets, gifts of encouragement, thanks, happy birthday, a boost of confidence.  It’s really all about building relationships.

Have an impact on someone’s life; Cause with a little mazel, you always have good luck.

Charity Brings Luck.

Simple concept: Your purchase includes  a crisp dollar stamped “You Got Mazel, Mazel is Good Luck, Pass It On”

pass the dollar onto charity for good karma

To get luck and gifts from the universe one has to give to others.

Our Vision is all about creating positive energy.

Charity Brings Luck. where you can send gifts of luck to others. The right message at the right time can help make anything possible. 

In today’s world filled people are in need of a little bit of good luck in their lives. is here to create good karma, to inspire and unleash the greater good in people. The underlying human need to connect is a as strong as it’s ever been.

Our Mission

The mission of making people feel good, encourage, empower and enrich people’s lives by creating a world filled with positive energy and boosting chances for good luck and prosperity.

  • Create a more emotionally connected world by making a genuine difference in every life, every day.
  • Create real human interactions, to inspire and unleash the greater good of people.
  • Creates a more emotionally connected world by making a genuine difference in life, with charity.

Karma is a circle, based on the idea of cause and effect ,to get luck and gifts from universe one has to give gifts of luck to others.. What you do now comes back to you.

Have an impact on someone’s life; Cause with a little mazel, you always have good luck.

About Us


“Giving charity literally adds life”     Rabbi Akiva


Why the Mazel Charity Dollar

 Charity is at the  core of Every sale includes a gift to charity for good luck.

Simple, the crisp dollar stamped  “You Got Mazel, Mazel is Good Luck, Pass it On”, enlists the recipient as your messenger of a good deed to bring blessings to others.

An ancient custom is to give someone a dollar to donate to charity on their behalf because sages have said a person is involved in the commission of a good deed is assured protection and success on the mission.

The dollar may just been a small token, yet it is the gift that keeps on giving. 

Giving others the opportunity to do a good deed is the ultimate act of paying it forward. Who knows, maybe your dollar will be the one that changes the world.

What a wonderful way to create positive karma.


Did you know happiness was contagious?


Random acts of kindness really do make you feel happier and others are grateful for your actions of good deeds. Plus our brains light up pleasurable responses in the same area that controls pleasure responses for food and sex, when we decide to donate money to causes that we deem worthy. 


Not only will your gift be uplifting, it just might make others believe that there is good in the world and inspires them to want to be better.


Luck Matters More Than You Might Think.

Did You Know:

  • Wishing someone luck makes them do better.
  • New research shows that having some kind of lucky token can actually improve your performance – by increasing your self-confidence 


Charity is based on the idea of people can change their luck. Luck is not something paranormal in nature. It’s something that we create by our thoughts and behavior.

Did you know: that when people were given a good luck talisman they performed better and not only were they luckier afterward, tests results showed they were also happier.


Luck plays a huge role in many aspects of our lives. Luck is something we create by our thoughts and actions (or behavior). The difference between good and bad luck can result in either hope or despair. Whether it is in life, love or our career, we could all use a little more good fortune. Positive thinking can actually make positive results happen.

 Create a world filled with positive energy, one MAZEL at a time.

By doing a good deed, you’re saying, ‘Here’s something I can do to change the world.’ where you can send gifts of luck to others. The right message at the right time can help make anything possible. 


Start Spreading Smiles …Send Someone Mazel and you will receive, that’s the way karma works.


Thank your lucky stars”? Stars are considered good luck symbols in a number of cultures and societies. You may be familiar with the Star Tarot card indicating that someone who is attaining inspiration and insight, hope and spiritual enlightenment.

Now, That’s Mazel!

Charity is at the  core of Every sale includes a gift to charity for good luck. Interested in running a Mazel charity fundraiser for a your 501c3 non profit? Contact us.

Send Someone Mazel  





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Bruce D. Verstandig

CEO & Founder

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Bubbe Mazel

aka Silvia

Office Manager


Office Manager

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Mark Johnson

CTO our Mazel IT wiz

CTO our Mazel IT wiz

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