Hamsa Gifts of Good Luck and Blessing for The Home

The Hamsa hand brings blessings and happiness to the home.
The Hamsa (hand shape) brings gifts of blessings and protection for the home. It has been used since ancient times as a symbol for good luck, and protection, as well as decorative. The hamsa is a well known protective sign against the evil eye. It will also bring the owners happiness, luck, good health, and good fortune.
People proudly display the Hamsa hand amulet to protect their homes from any evil or negative curse that could befall them while inviting good fortune and blessings into their home.
Hamsa A Thoughtful Housewarming Gift
The Hamsa is used in a house to symbolize peace, blessings of luck, and as a protective symbol against harm. This is why giving a gift of a Hamsa is a thoughtful housewarming gift because it a symbol to bring blessings, protection and happiness to the home.
The Hamsa is a universal symbol that has been used for thousands of years and is a perfect vessel for Feng Shui. The Hamsa is said to be a source to bring unity, blessings, and protection into the home.
Often the hamsa hand will often have an eye design in the center of the hand. The eye symbolizes protection from the evil intentions caused by the evil eye and to deflect the forces of the evil eye away.
With or without the eye symbol, all Hamsa protect against the evil eye cast by the malicious glare of others usually out of jealousy. The Hamsa is a powerful sign of protection and good fortune.

Other prevalent symbols and messages found within a Hamsa are messages of love, peace, unity, good health, wealth, prosperity and luck.
The Hamsa does not only bring protection, but it is thought to bring happiness and blessings as well. This could be a reason that many people will buy it and display it in their homes. People are always looking to bring more happiness into their lives with good blessings.
Why Hang Hasma Hand in a Home?

The hamsa hand charm and symbol is often hung next to the front door, with the belief because the front door is the entrance to the entire house, so for anything bad to come into the house, it would have to pass through the front door first. Thus the hamsa symbol will protect the whole house.
The hasma most known use is to capture the evil eye and to offer maximum protection against the evil intentions and jealousy of others.
All hasma symbols are believed to capture evil eye. This ensures that the evil looks that someone may give or their bad vibes of intent, will not enter the house. Some place hamsa symbols also into every room of the house to offer maximum protection against evil forces and invite positive energy into the room.
The hand symbol of a Hamsa can help to make sure that ‘No One’ with evil intentions or thoughts will have the chance to get into the house, by way of their cast of an evil eye upon you and your surroundings.
A hamsa hung in a home is said to discourage internal conflicts and family fights within a household, and encourage peaceful conversations throughout their home life.
A Hamsa brings a great deal of good luck, and many people living in homes with a hamsa are very successful and they tend to have a lot of luck.
Boost your chances for good energy and prosperity while warding off evil spirits by placing these simple items in your home.
What else brings good luck to a new home?
* Lighting a candle on the first night in a new home is said to bring light into the house . . and cast out darkness, chasing away any shadows of evil, pain or sorrow that possibly existed before you moved in.
* Bread and salt, in Jewish tradition it represent hospitality. Bread and salt should be the first things to be brought into the home; bread, so the home should never experience hunger, and salt, so their life will be full of flavor. Also it is believed that that salt has the power to repel evil spirits and keep your home safe against black magic.
Invite Good Luck into the Home
If you want a successful life consider the virtues and benefits a Hamsa charm can bring you.
The Hamsa hand opens you up to all the abundance and goodness of the the universe. Welcoming positive energy into your life.
It is very common to see many people buying the hamsa symbol to keep themselves and their loved ones safe from any type of harm. You yourself could get one when you feel that you need the protection.
More Hamsa Articles: The Hamsa & Its Jewish Origins Why is Hamsa a Traditional Housewarming Gift Hang a Hamsa for Good Luck & Blessings
Feel the positive effects of this mystical symbol.
May your hamsa bring you blessings of good fortune, luck and protection.